

jdl008 室内家具 2024-09-02 1532浏览 0

怎么又是 意大利? ??

怎么总是 意大利???








  2017年3月25日,坐拥2.1公里江景资源的居住社区宁波海岸人潮涌动,一场以“让艺术遇鉴生活”为名的超级聚会拉开帷幕。美味伴随美酒,美景承托美物,当175平方米意式样板间如约开放,创立于2013年的意大利轻奢生活典范MHC家居正式迎来登陆中国首度亮相的时刻。当天下午,位于宁波鄞州万达德克德家的STF思蒂孚全案家居馆意大利MHC家居体验店开幕,人们近距离品味意式当代家具的魅力,并在总裁签售的环节得以惊喜的价格将所爱之物收入囊中。人群之中闪现几位重要角色:MHC联合创始人兼艺术总监Giacinto Muto、MHC联合创始人兼亚太区董事长吴小平、MHC市场总监JACOPO、中国意大利商会Alessandra Vismara、广东生活大师家居董事长杜凯、南京永隆圣马可国际家居董事长陈宝龙、利米缇思董事长李洪明、意大利全国艺术家协会中国首席代表黄艳挺。


  空间流转 家具停泊

  是古典的,也是现代的,是时尚的,也是经典的,是喧闹的,也是安宁的,是热烈的,也是矜持的……穿行于175平方米的生活情景展间,随处可以见意大利设计之美。空间打底,家具为魂,正如MHC家居创始人兼艺术总监Giacinto Muto现场所言:“在意大利,时尚与艺术是生活的一部分,而我们将它们更好地融合,生活艺术化,更能感知到生活的品质感。”



  It’s vintage but also modern; voguish but classic; rumbustious but peaceful; ardent but also reserved… Walking through the 175 square meters of life scene showroom, you get to see the beauty of Italian design everywhere. Furniture is the soul of the space, just like Mr. Giacinto Muto, the founder and artistic director of MHC said at the venue, “In Italy, fashion and art are part of life and we try to integrate them in a better way. To live your life in an artistic way will allow you to perceive more the quality of life.”

  Every inch of the space, every piece of furniture, every color picked in that room shows MHC’s classical extravagancy, brings you the unique temperament Milan has as an international metropolis, graceful, passionate, elegant and discreet. A cup of Espresso in a sunny afternoon like this, in a moment of thinking and blurring, you are in Milan.




MHC家居创始人兼艺术总监Giacinto Muto





  去过时尚与古典并存的米兰,便会懂。那些来自中世纪的神秘以及文艺复兴的创想,伴随着岁月轮回,蜕变成当代的面貌,设计品尤其是家居产品,扮演着文化及设计信使的角色,把无数优秀设计师对美好的诠释,投射到意大利人的当代生活中。谈及这个特别的国度因何与艺术与设计密不可分,Giacinto Muto表示:“意大利是众多伟大艺术家和科学家的故土,这里还盛产众多伟大的厨师和葡萄佳酿,意大利人对文化艺术特有的敏感,决定了他们始终保持着对创新设计的热忱,并成为室内设计和时尚生活方式的潮流引领者。”



  You can’t skip Italy when talking about the development of the western culture and art. After the ancient Greek, Italy was right in the center of the western culture till the Renaissance, which greatly promoted the development of the world culture, having a huge impact on literature, art, science, philosophy and religions, etc., breaking away the medieval religious ties, reviving the liberal and open-minded status of the ancient Greek and Roman culture, respecting human individuality. Through their works of paintings, sculptures and architectures, artists such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Rafael etc. made Italy famous in Europe. Even in this era of multiculturalism, the art and design of Italy are still regarded as the "Bible".

  Go to Milan where fashion and vintage co-exist, you’ll understand. As centuries gone by, the mystery from the middle ages and the creativity from the Renaissance have been transformed into contemporary faces; the design of products, especially household products is playing the role as the messenger of culture and design, projecting many excellent designers’ interpretation of beauty to modern Italian life. Talking about why his country is inseparable from art and design, Giacinto Muto explains, “ Italy is the home of many great artists and scientists, we also have great chefs and wines, the unique sensitivity to culture and art determines Italians to maintain the enthusiasm towards innovative designs, leading the trend of interior design and chic lifestyle.”








  There is no doubt the accumulation of history and art influences Italian design imperceptibly. Wandering around the streets of Milan, you can feel the collision between the far ancient and avant-garde at any time, historical sites everywhere, great wine and delicate food in their daily life, and the indomitable light of religion, all those are affecting people there to express their creativity freely, and you can see that even from a street entertainer. Quietly, the contemporary is immersed by the classical, inspiration blessed by culture; in its own unique perspective and heat, the light of Italian design shines on every area of people’s life.

  Rooted in this fertile soil, surprises will be born naturally. Developed by Vanke and Overseas Chineese Town, as an exquisite compound exclusively owning the beautiful river view in Ningbo, HARBOUR has taken a lot of thoughtful comparison and consideration to choose the household style. It’s the mutual pursuit of quality and value finally let them meet and get acquainted with MHC. The 175 square meter model living space is not only confined to the detailed elegance, but also shows the unique overall temperament, full of the Italian“light luxury” style from lamps to furniture, from wall lines to the choice of wallpaper. High standards, high quality with very competitive prices, that’s precisely why MHC stands out.

  As hot as burning fire, as cool as iron and steel, with smooth flowing lines, sharp and firm support, MHC furniture products manifest its unique temperament. Sexy rose gold chromium-plated steel and American walnut wood calmly staggering, herringbone and canine patterned natural fabric gracefully stretching, turkey emperador marble and attentive velvet intimately put together, iconic material pairing plus the furniture modeling with a strong sense of architecture, each and every piece of MHC shows its pure and pute modern chic. Can’t fail to mention the traditional handcrafts of buttons, quilting and wood stitching etc. assimilate each and every chair, table and cabinet into the calmness and assurance of time, as if the spirit of the ancestors flashing gracefully in-between.














  Il buon vino non ha bisogno di frasca.


  Since Italian design is blessed with its inheritance advantage, in people’s mind, household products “from Italy” are of some symbolic and ritual meaning. In MHC co-founder Mr. Wu Xiaoping’s point of view, that explains there are already countless Italian furniture brands performing actively in Chinese market, joining such fierce competition with its super confidence accumulated in a decade and having launched numerous stores in the world market, it takes a lot of guts for MHC to choose this moment to enter China.

  Some may ask, what surprise can this new brand bring to the high-end Chinese customers who is familiar with and would pay for the so-called Italian life style? From people’s obsessed eyes at HARBOUR’s showroom site, you can tell how much they appreciate the uniqueness of MHC. The contemporary“light luxury” household brand with “Pure Italian Lineage” MHC is regarded as the “Quality Life Creator”, who’s compiled beautiful, functional and comfortable in its DNA. Wu Xiaoping further explains, “Contemporary Introverted Luxury” precisely interprets people’s demand for their dream home space. No lack, nor too much, MHC design masters such aesthetics of high quality life just perfectly.

  In fact, standing on any pitch point of the Italian culture, no one could find a perfect word to describe how Italian style is conveyed to the world. And we get speechless when trying to find the deion for Italian design at different times –the more profound the culture is, the more able it is to give birth to lasting and lavish design. No conclusion means no end, and that is the cause for eternal charm. The beauty of Italy, charm of Italian lifestyle may not be completely interpreted by just one or two brands, but at least the inclusive Chinese consumers would experience more when such excellent Italian contemporary household products enter the market here.

  “Good wine needs no bush.” Interestingly, this Italian proverb coincides with an old Chinese saying, “A good brewery in a deep alley will get clients to come as the fragrance of its wine goes far.” Of course, the broader meaning of these 2 similar sentences is that, selling good products doesn’t need to bawl out loud in the marketplace, the consistent high quality speaks for itself the best.

  每件家具的名字 都有故事




















  Milano Home Concept ,简写而成MHC,三个英文单词首字母,诠释了“米兰家居生活概念与风范”。创始人兼艺术总监Giacinto Muto曾任意大利Natuzzi集团DivaniDivani品牌连锁店总监一职,后在一重要的意大利家具公司担任顾问;联合创始人吴小平来自中国,他对家具设计与市场运作具有独到经验,在2001年曾率先将“OEM”观点引入中国家居行业,并与多个国内著名家具品牌展开合作。



  经过六年的磨合,2013年,Giacinto Muto与吴小平在意大利正式创立MHC品牌。基于注重产品设计与品质的经营主张,以及生产制造当代意大利轻奢产品的一致愿望,MHC家居中国及意大利团队持续关注家具品质及服务,不断创新产品的外观与材料,用细腻的品质与扎实的工艺赋予当代奢华家具新的生命,并以此带给人们愉悦感。


  Milano Home Concept, in short, MHC interprets the “home concept and style of Milan”. The founder and artistic director Mr. Giacinto Muto served as a controller for DivaniDivani chain stores at the Italian Natuzzi Group before, later he worked as a consultant for a major Italian furniture company; the co-founder Mr. Wu Xiaoping is from China, he has unique experience in furniture design and market operation, in 2001 he first introduced “OEM” concept into Chinese household industry and developed cooperation with many well-known domestic furniture brands.

  Back then, the 2 founders of MHC happened to hold the same concept – “Create good quality, reasonable priced, originally designed home products.” Therefore, towards the goal of making“light luxury”, fashionable and elegant products, adhering to the essence of Italian traditional craftsmanship, MHC has developed cooperation with international designers, complete sets of furniture products have been created successively to meet the needs of home space.

  After six years of breaking in each other, Mr. Giacinto Muto and Mr. Wu Xiaoping founded the MHC brand in Italy in 2013. Based on the operating proposition of focusing on product design and quality, and the consistent wish to manufacture contemporary Italian“light luxury” home products, MHC China team and Italy team have continuously focused on quality and service, constantly innovated the appearances and materials of the products, given contemporary luxury furniture a new life with exquisite quality and solid craftsmanship, and brought pure pleasure to the consumers.

  Up till now, MHC has established OEM factories in Beijing, Shanghai and Italy, franchised stores in Riyadh, Beirut, Jeddah, Seoul, Moscow, Cairo and Amman. In 2017, more MHC stores will appear in New Delhi, India; Islamabad, Pakistan; Al Khobar, Saudi Arab; and Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Xian, Harbin, China.

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