

jdl008 室内家具 2024-08-28 37浏览 0


前缀ap = 加强或引伸意义


apparatus/ ,æp?’reit?s/

n. 装置,设备;仪器;器官

复数 apparatus复数 apparatuses


  【1】[U] the set of tools and machines that you use for a particular scientific, medical, or technical purpose


  eg:Astronauts have special breathing apparatus. 航天员有专门的呼吸装装备。

  【2】[C] the way in which a lot of people are organized to work together to do a job or control a company or country


  eg:The tax will require a massive administrative apparatus. 税收需要大规模的行政机构。

  E sir秘籍:ap+paratus磁化器=仪器,器械


appeal/ ?’pi:l/

vi. 呼吁,恳求;上诉;诉诸,求助;有吸引力,迎合爱好;(体育比赛中)诉诸裁判

n. 呼吁,请求;吸引力,感染力;上诉;诉诸裁判

vt. 将…上诉,对…上诉



  【1】[C,U] the feeling of being very worried about something


  eg:his feelings of anxiety 他焦虑的心情

  [+ about/over]

  There is considerable anxiety among staff about job losses. 员工很担心会失业。

  【2】[U] a feeling of wanting to do something very much

  渴望anxiety to do sth

  eg:I nearly fell in my anxiety to get downstairs quickly. 我急匆匆地下楼,差点摔倒。

  【3】request 要求 [C] an urgent request for something important呼吁;恳求

  eg:The girl’s family have made a public appeal for help to try and catch her killer. 那名遇害女孩的家人吁请公众协助捉拿凶手。

  [+ for]

  eg:The police have issued a new appeal for information. 警方再次发出呼吁,征求线索。

  [+ to]

  eg:All the organizations involved have sent urgent appeals to the government, asking for extra funding. 有关机构都向政府发出紧急呼吁,要求增加拨款。

  appeal to sb to do sth

  【4】request for money 对钱款的要求

  [C] an attempt to persuade people to give money in order to help people who need something募捐呼吁

  eg:The appeal has nearly reached its target of £100,000. 这次募捐呼吁差不多达到了十万英镑的目标。

  【5】request to change decision 改变判决的要求[C,U] a formal request to a court or to someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed上诉;申诉

  [+ to]

  eg:an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights 向欧洲人权法庭提出的上诉

  on appeal

  eg:The sentence was reduced to three years on appeal. 通过上诉,刑期减为三年。

  【6】being attractive 吸引人

  [U] a quality that makes people like something or someone


  eg:What is the particular appeal of this island? 这个岛的迷人之处在哪里?

  [+ for]

  eg:The film has great appeal for young audiences. 这部电影备受年轻观众喜爱。

  E sir秘籍:又是一个一次多义,背了可以用一辈子,ap+peal钟声,延伸为上诉,裁判


appetite/ ‘æpitait/

n. 食欲;嗜好



  【1】[C usually singular , U,一般用单数] a desire for food 胃口,食欲

  eg:Her husband always had a huge appetite. 她丈夫向来胃口极大。

  【2】[C] a desire or liking for a particular activity 欲望;喜爱

  eg:People seem to have an insatiable appetite (= always wanting more of something ) for news of any kind. 人们好像对任何一种新闻都有无穷的兴趣。

  [+ for]

  eg:She has an amazing appetite for knowledge. 她求知欲极强。

  E sir秘籍:ap+petite娇小 ;反延伸为食欲强 ,欲望


appliance/ ?’plai?ns/

n. 器具;器械;装置

过去式 applianced 过去分词 applianced 现在分词 appliancing



  【1】a piece of equipment, especially electrical equipment, such as a cooker or washing machine , used in people’s homes家用电器;家用器具

  domestic/household etc appliance

  eg:There’s plenty of space for all the usual kitchen appliances. 有足够的空间摆放各种日常厨房器具。


  electrical/gas appliance 电器/燃气用具

  E sir秘籍:ap+(a)liance家具=家用电器


applicable/ ‘æplik?bl/

adj. 可适用的;可应用的;合适的



  【1】if something is applicable to a particular person, group, or situation, it affects them or is related to them适合的,适用的

  [+ to]

  eg:The offer is only applicable to bookings for double rooms. 这个报价只适用于预订双人房。

  where/if/as applicable

  eg:Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr Please delete as applicable. 女士/小姐/太太/先生 请删去不适用项

  E sir秘籍:applic运用,应用+able可行的=可适用的





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