

jdl008 室内家具 2024-07-28 46浏览 0







  1. Bed 床

This is what you sleep on at night.

  2. Twin (成对的)单人床之一

The smallest sized bed is called a _____ bed.

  3. King-sized 特大床

The largest sized bed is called a _____ bed.

  4. Bunk 上下铺;双层床

Two beds stacked on top of each other are called a _____ bed.

  5. Mattress 床垫

This is the part of the bed you actually sleep on.

  6. Blanket 毛毯

You use this to cover yourself at night when you sleep, usually accompanied by sheets.

  7. Duvet / comforter 羽绒被

Instead of blankets and sheets, you can use something thicker to cover yourself. This is known as a _____.

  8. Pillow 枕头

What does your head rest on when you sleep?

  9. Pillow case 枕套

What do you use to cover a pillow?

  10. Lamp 灯

You probably turn this light source off right before you go to bed.

  11. Nightstand / bed stand 床头柜

You might put your lamp or books on a small table next to your bed, known as a _____.

  12. Closet 橱柜;壁橱

This is a small, separate room attached to most bedrooms where you can hang your clothes.

  13. Dresser 梳妆台

You can also keep your clothes in this piece of furniture, which contains stacked drawers.

  14. Wardrobe 衣柜

If you want, you can hang your clothes in a separate piece of furniture called a _____.

  15. Vanity 化妆台

This piece of furniture contains drawers and mirrors that you can use to do your makeup.

  16. Window 窗户

Where might the sun shine through into your bedroom first thing in the morning?

  17. Window frame 窗框

What do you call the actual wooden support of the window?

  18. Windowpane 窗玻璃

How about the glass part?

  19. Window sill 窗台板;窗盘

What about the ledge along the bottom of the window?

  20. Curtain 窗帘

What about the piece of cloth that can cover the window to block out sunlight?

  21. Coat hangers 衣架

You can put your clothes on these devices to make them easier to hang in your closet.

  22. Alarm clock 闹钟

You can use this device to wake yourself up in the morning.

Living Room



  1. Carpet 地毯

This can be used to cover an entire floor to make it softer to walk on.

  2. Rug 小地毯

This is like a carpet but doesn't usually cover the entire floor.

  3. Sofa / couch 沙发

This is a large, soft chair, usually meant for several people to sit on.

  4. Coffee table 咖啡桌;茶几

This is a low table typically placed in front of a sofa.

  5. Television / TV 电视机

You'll often find this in a living room as a main source of entertainment for the family.

  6. TV stand 电视架

What piece of furniture does a TV usually rest on?

  7. Side table 小桌;边几

This is a small table placed beside couches for drinks, books, etc.

  8. Fireplace 壁炉

Where in the living room can you safely start a small fire?

  9. Fire iron / poker 拨火棍

This a long, metal instrument used to tend a fire.

  10. Firewood 木柴

What do you call the wood used to start a fire in a fireplace?

  11. Futon / pull-out sofa / sofa-bed 蒲团/沙发床

This is a type of sofa that can be unfolded to become a bed, in case you have a guest sleeping over.

  12. Bean bag 豆袋坐垫;懒人沙发

This is a squishy, shapeless chair filled with beans, beads, or something similar.

  13. Speakers 扬声器

You can hook these up to your TV system to amplify the sound in the room.

  14. Home theater 家庭影院

If you have an elaborate TV system setup with speakers and a large screen, you might call it a _____.

Dining Room



  1. Dining table 餐桌

This is a table where families usually eat meals together.

  2. Placemats 餐垫

You can set these under your plates to protect the table.

  3. Coasters 杯垫

Likewise, you can place these under your drinks.

  4. Centerpiece 放在餐桌中央的摆饰

If you want to add some decoration to your dining table, you can place a _____ in the middle of your dining table.

  5. Candles 蜡烛

You can light these for a romantic dinner.

  6. Chandelier 枝形吊灯

This is a special set of lights that hang from the ceiling of very luxurious houses or buildings.


Front Entracne



  1. Front door 前门

What will visitors usually knock on when they visit your home?

  2. Doorbell 门铃

Or they can ring this instead.

  3. Welcome mat 门口的擦鞋垫

This is a sort of small rug that you can put in front of your door for visitors to step on.

  4. Porch 门廊

This is an open area in front of the entrance to some houses that's covered by a roof and might contain some columns.

  5. Porchlight 门廊灯

If it's dark outside and you want to hang out on the porch, what should you turn on?

  6. Mailbox 信箱

What should you open to check your mail?

  7. Lock 锁

You might want to make sure this is secure if you don't want anyone invading your home.

  8. Curb 路边;路缘

This is a part of the street between the actual road and the sidewalk where grass grows.




  1. Fence 篱笆;栅栏

This is a barrier that guards the perimeter of your home.

  2. Gate 大门

You can get past a fence through an entrance called a _____.

  3. Lawn 草地;草坪

This is what you call a long stretch of grass, either in front of or behind your house.

  4. Lawnmower 剪草机

If the grass in your backyard is getting a bit long, you might want to pull out your _____.

  5. Garden 花园

Many people like to grow flowers, fruits, and vegetables in a _____ in their backyard.

  6. Vegetable patch 菜园

This is a small garden where vegetables are grown.

  7. Sprinklers 洒水车;洒水装置

To water your grass regularly, you can install a system of _____.

  8. Hose 软管

Or you can water your grass and gardens by hand using a _____.

  9. Shed 小屋;棚

This is a small roofed structure that can be used to store items like lawn mowers, ladders, and bikes.

  10. Garage 车库

This is a slightly larger structure, often attached to the house, where you can park your car and store other items.

  11. Driveway 车道

If you don't have a garage, you can park your car in this area.

  12. Shovel 铁铲

When it snows, you should use this to move it out of your sidewalks and driveway.

  13. Snowblower 吹雪机

Or you can use this machine to blast the snow out of the way.

  14. Rake 耙子

You should use a _____ to move leaves out of the way during autumn.

  15. Swing 秋千

Sometimes, you can find this tied to a tree. Kids like to sit on it and rock themselves back and forth.

  16. Treehouse 树屋

What do you call a small fort for kids built into a tree?

  17. Patio 露台;天井

This is a paved area in the backyard next to the house where you can sit and relax.

  18. Firepit 火塘

What do you call a fireplace located outdoors?

  19. Hot tub / jacuzzi 浴缸

Sometimes, you can relax in a small pool of warm water called a _____.

  20. Gravel 碎石;砂砾

What do you call the small, loose stones that often make up a walkway?




  1. Washer 洗衣机

What machine should you use to soak your dirty clothes?

  2. Dryer 烘干机

What machine should you use to dry off your wet laundry?

  3. Detergent 清洁剂

This is a type of soap meant specifically for clothes.

  4. Laundry basket 洗衣篮

Where do most people keep their dirty clothes before washing them?

  5. Clothesline 晒衣绳

If you want to air dry your clothes, you should hang them on a _____ outside.

  6. Dryer screen 干网

This filter catches all the lint from your clothes in the dryer.






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