

jdl008 室内家具 2024-06-24 10浏览 0

  1. a / an

  错:I have a MP4.

  对:I have an MP4.


  错:Ann has a honest face.

  对:Ann has an honest face.


  错:English is an useful language.

  对:English is a useful language.



  2. advice

  错:She gave me a good advice.

  对:She gave me a good piece of advice / some good advice.

  她给了我一条 / 一些好建议。

  3. afford

  错:I can’t afford the money for a new coat.

  对:I can’t afford (to buy) a new coat.



  4. after

  错:After you will leave, we will write to you every day.

  对:After you leave, we will write to you every day.


  (在after, as soon as等引导的时间状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。)

  5. afternoon

  错:in the afternoon of 3rd July

  对:on the afternoon of 3rd July



  6. all

  错:We all were delighted when we heard the news.

  对:We were all delighted when we heard the news.



  7. allow

  错:It is not allowed to smoke here.

  对:Smoking is not allowed here. / People are not allowed to smoke here.


  (allow不用于“It is not allowed to do sth”结构。)

  8. although

  错:Although I was frightened, but I couldn’t scream.

  对:Although I was frightened, I couldn’t scream.



  9. and ( 最易犯的错误)

  错:The problem was that he didn’t have any money and clothes.

  对:The problem was that he didn’t have any money or clothes.



  10. another

  错:My mother loved her old sewing machine, but on her birthday my father bought her another new one.

  对:My mother loved her old sewing machine, but on her birthday my father bought her a new one.


  11. answer

  错:They still can’t find an answer for this problem.

  对:They still can’t find an answer to this problem.



  12. ask

  错:She asked me what was the time.

  对:She asked me what the time was.


  (what, who, when, where引导的宾语从句用陈述句语序。)

  13.as well

错:When he reached her house, he noticed that there were no lights on. He couldn’t see her car as well.

对:When he reached her house, he noticed that there were no lights on. He couldn’t see her car either.


(as well很少用于否定句。)

  14.belong to

  错:The car is belong to my wife. / The car is belonging to my wife.

  对:The car belongs to my wife.



  错:While on holiday she caught a big disease.

  对:While on holiday she caught a serious disease.



  错:Can I borrow your bathroom, please?

  对:Can I use your bathroom, please?



  17. borrow

  错:Can I lend your pen a minute?

  对:Can I borrow your pen a minute?




  错:I am pleased that my both children have called me.

  对:I am pleased that both my children have called me.


  (both用于the, my, their等限定词之前。)


  错:We have the breakfast at seven every day.

  对:We have breakfast at seven every day.




  错:She was very certain that they would offer her the job.

  对:She was quite certain that they would offer her the job.


  (多用quite / fairly / absolutely修饰certain,很少用very。)


  错:He wrote the sentence down on the blackboard with a red chalk.

  对:He wrote the sentence down on the blackboard with red chalk.


  (chalk是不可数名词,a piece of chalk一支粉笔)


  错:A lot of changes have been taken place in the city.

  对:A lot of changes have taken place in the city.



  23. class

  错:The whole class has gone to see the film.

  对:The whole class have gone to see the film.



  24. congratulation

  错:Congratulation on your success!

  对:Congratulations on your success!




  错:A strange man entered into the room.

  对:A strange man entered the room.


  (enter a room, a building等,不加into。)

  26.everyday / every day

  错:I go to the library everyday.

  对:I go to the library every day.

  (everyday是形容词,everyday English日常用语)


  错:We saw two man doctors just now.

  对:We saw two men doctors just now.


  (man / woman构成的合成名词,表复数时,两者都变成复数形式。)

  28. mine

  错:I want you to meet an old friend of me.

  对:I want you to meet an old friend of mine.


  29. enough

  错:We didn’t have enough food before.

  对:We didn’t have enough food in the past.


  30. sun

  错:Sun rises from the east.

  对:The sun rises in the east.


  31. cheap

  错:The price of this coat is very cheap.

  对:The price of this coat is very low. / This coat is very cheap.


  (price要用high / low形容,不能用expensive / cheap。)

  32. choose

  错:There are 2 programs for you to choose.

  对:There are 2 programs for you to choose from.



  33. church

  错:My parents go to the church every Sunday.

  对:My parents go to church every Sunday.


  (go to church 做礼拜;go to the church 去教堂)

  34. clothing

  错:The women are selling second-hand clothings.

  对:The women are selling second-hand clothes / clothing.



  35. come from

  错:The students who are coming from Japan are hard-working.

  对:The students who come from Japan are hard-working.


  (come from (出生于;来自) 不用于进行时。)

  36. common

  错:Nowadays it is common that women go out to work.

  对:Nowadays it is common for women to go out to work.


  (没有“it is common that …”句式,只有“it is common for sb to do sth”。)

  37. cooker

  错:My wife is an excellent cooker.

  对:My wife is an excellent cook.


  (cooker 厨具;cook 厨师)

  38. cup

  错:We enjoyed a cup of wine with our meal.

  对:We enjoyed a glass of wine with our meal.


  (“一杯茶/ 咖啡”用a cup of;“一杯水/ 葡萄酒/ 啤酒/ 香槟”用a glass of)

  39. day

  错:I don’t do much exercise in these days.

  对:I don’t do much exercise these days.


  (these days前不用介词;in those days可以。)

  40. dead

  错:Her mother has died for ten years.

  对:Her mother has been dead for ten years. / Her mother died ten years ago.



  41. despite

  错:Despite the train was empty, he came and sat in front of me.

  对:Despite the train being empty, he came and sat in front of me.



  42. difficult

  错:I was very difficult to make a fire in the open because of the wind.

  对:It was very difficult for me to make a fire in the open because of the wind.


  43. discount

  错:He bought the house at a 90% discount.

  对:He bought the house at a 10% discount.


  44. discuss

  错:We spent two hours discussing about the course.

  对:We spent two hours discussing the course.



  45. dozen

  错:I bought two dozens of apples.

  对:I bought two dozen of apples.


  (dozen被具体数字修饰时用单数;dozens of指“许多”。)

  46. each

  错:They each has a beautiful daughter.

  对:They each have a beautiful daughter.


  47. efficient

  错:The medicine proved very efficient.

  对:The medicine proved very effective.


  (efficient 效率高的;effective有效的)

  48. elder

  错:The two ladies are twins. Can you tell which is the older?

  对:The two ladies are twins. Can you tell which is the elder?



  49. elect

  错:They elected Smith as the mayor.

  对:They elected Smith as mayor.


  (选举某人任某职务用“elect sb (as) sth”。)

  50. else

  错:His work is better than anyone’s else.

  对:His work is better than anyone else’s.


  (else构成所有格时,-’s加在else之后,如someone else’s (别的某人的)。)

  51. enough

  错:The time isn’t enough for us to catch the next train.

  对:There isn’t enough time for us to catch the next train.


  (除了主语是there,it或一定的数量/ 数目外,enough一般不用作表语。)

  52. evening

  错:I arrived home in the evening of May 15th.

  对:I arrived home on the evening of May 15th.



  53. every

  错:I have to visit the hospital every three week.

  对:I have to visit the hospital every three weeks.


  54. everyone / every one

  错:If every one is ready, I’ll begin.

  对:If everyone is ready, I’ll begin.


  错:Everyone of us has made some friends during these 3 years.

  对:Every one of us has made some friends during these 3 years.


  (everyone 每个人;人人;every one一群人或物中的每一个)

  55. expensive

  错:The price of this suit is quite expensive.

  对:The price of this suit is quite high. / This suit is quite expensive.

  (price不能用expensive / cheap来形容,要用high / low。)

  56. explain

  错:He explained me the problem.

  对:He explained the problem to me.


  (向某人解释/ 说明某事用explain sth to sb,没有explain sb sth用法。)

  57. furniture

  错:We need to buy a new furniture.

  对:We need to buy a new piece of furniture.


  (furniture是不可数名词,一件家具a piece of furniture。)

  58. get in / get on

  错:Get on the car, and we’ll go for a drive.

  对:Get in the car, and we’ll go for a drive.


  错:He got on a taxi and went to the office.

  对:He got in a taxi and went to the office.


  (get in a car / taxi; get on a bus / train / plane)

  59. get off / get out of

  错:She got out of the bus.

  对:She got off the bus.


  (get out of a car / taxi; get off a bus / train / plane)

  60. goods

  错:The goods was not delivered in time.

  对:The goods were not delivered in time.



  61. hair

  错:Her hairs have turned grey.

  对:Her hair has turned grey.


  错:There’s hair in my soup.

  对:There’s a hair in my soup.



  62. happen

  错:It’s the best thing that has ever happened on me.

  对:It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.


  (发生在某人/ 某物身上用“happen to sb / sth”。)

  63. help

  错:I can’t help (to) laugh when I watch the funny show!

  对:I can’t help laughing when I watch the funny show!


  错:Sorry, Mum. I can’t help washing dishes today.

  对:Sorry, Mum. I can’t help (to) wash dishes today.


  (can’t help doing sth 情不自禁/ 忍不住做某事;can’t help (to) do sth 不能帮忙做某事)

  64. here

  错:Here the bus comes at last!

  对:Here comes the bus at last!


  (here / there位于句首时,谓语要提到主语前面用全部倒装。如果主语是代词,不用倒装,如:Here he comes. 他来了。)

  65. his

  错:The dentist told him he must brush teeth after each meal.

  对:The dentist told him he must brush his teeth after each meal.



  66. home

  错:As soon as I arrived at home, I knew that something was wrong.

  对:As soon as I arrived home, I knew that something was wrong.


  (go / get / return / arrive … home中,home前不用介词。)

  67. hope

  错:I hope you all to have an interesting afternoon.

  对:I hope (that) you all have an interesting afternoon.


  (没有hope sb to do sth结构,只有hope to do sth 和hope that …)

  68. how

  错:Could you describe how the driver is like?

  对:Could you describe what the driver is like?


  (What is sb / sth like? 某人/ 某物怎么样?)

  69. how to do / what to do

  错:You can go online and find out how to do.

  对:You can go online and find out how to do it / what to do.


  (what to do = how to do it 怎么办)

  70. how much

  错:How much is the price of this watch?

  对:What is the price of this watch? / How much is this watch?


  71. hundred

  错:Five hundreds children are born in the city every day.

  对:Five hundred children are born in the city every day.


  (hundred/thousand/…被具体数字修饰时用单数;概数用hundreds / thousands / … of。)

  72. if

  错:If it will rain, I shall come and meet you in the car.

  对:If it rains, I shall come and meet you in the car.



  73. immediately

  错:Let me know immediately she will arrive.

  对:Let me know immediately she arrives.


  (immediately = as soon as 一……就……;引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。)

  74. indoor

  错:As it was raining we decided to stay indoor.

  对:As it was raining we decided to stay indoors.



  75. information

  错:I am writing to ask for some informations about your culture.

  对:I am writing to ask for some information about your culture.

  我写信想询问一些 你们的文化方面 。

  (information是不可数名词;一则消息a piece of information。)

  76. join

  错:He has joined the army for three years.

  对:He joined the army three years ago.


  对:He has been in the army for three years.



  77. kind

  错:It’s very kind for you to help me.

  对:It’s very kind of you to help me.


  78. leave

  错:When will the woman leave to London?

  对:When will the woman leave for London?


  (动身去……leave for …)

  79. look forward to

  错:I’m looking forward to see you.

  对:I’m looking forward to seeing you.


  (look forward to中的to为介词,后接动词-ing。)

  80. lunch

  错:My plan is to visit the library and then have the lunch at a restaurant.

  对:My plan is to visit the library and then have lunch at a restaurant.


  (吃早/ 午/ 晚饭have breakfast / lunch / supper,lunch前不加冠词。)

  81. make

  错:I was made wait four hours before I was examined by a doctor.

  对:I was made to wait four hours before I was examined by a doctor.


  (make作使役动词用于被动语态时,用be made to do sth,to不能省略。)

  82. marry

  错:She married with Jack Brown.

  对:She married Jack Brown. / She got married to Jack Brown.


  (某人和某人结婚用sb marry sb或sb get married to sb。)

  83. mean

  错:Protecting our environment means to protect ourselves.

  对:Protecting our environment means protecting ourselves.


  (mean to do sth 打算做某事;mean doing sth意味着做某事)

  84. million

  错:The book sold several millions copies.

  对:The book sold several million copies.


  (million前有具体数字或several修饰时,用单数;没具体数字修饰时用millions of。)

  85. mind

  错:Would you mind to open the window?

  对:Would you mind opening the window?


  (mean doing sth 介意做某事)

  错:I made up my mind going for a swim.

  对:I made up my mind to go for a swim.


  (make up one’s mind to do sth 决定做某事)

  86. moment

  错:I’d like to see him in my office the moment he will arrive.

  对:I’d like to see him in my office the moment / minute he arrives.


  (the moment / minute引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来。)

  87. music

  错:A new music was specially written for the occasion.

  对:A new piece of music was specially written for the occasion.


  (music是不可数名词;一首乐曲a piece of music。)

  88. nature

  错:People need to get close to the nature and enjoy the sun.

  对:People need to get close to nature and enjoy the sun.



  89. never

  错:Never I have heard anything like it!

  对:Never have I heard anything like it! / I have never heard anything like it!



  90. news

  错:I’m looking forward to hearing a good news from you.

  对:I’m looking forward to hearing some good news from you.


  (news是不可数名词;一则消息a piece of news。)

  91. north

  错:I am now living in North England.

  对:I am now living in the north of England .


  (North / South / East / West用于国家或地区的名称,其前不用冠词,如North America;the north / south / east / west of指“……的方位”。)

  92. not only

  错:Not only their results improved, but also their behavior became better.

  对:Not only did their results improve, but also their behavior became better.


  (not only ... but (also) 连接两个并列分句时,not only所在的句子要用部分倒装语序。)

  93. once

  错:Once it will stop raining, we can go out.

  对:Once it stops raining, we can go out.



  94. opinion

  错:According to Jack’s opinion, we should know more about good manners.

  对:In Jack’s opinion / According to Jack, we should know more about good manners.


  (“根据某人的观点”要说in sb’s opinion或according to sb,不说according to sb’s opinion。)

  95. own

  错:I now have enough money to buy an own car.

  对:I now have enough money to buy my own car.



  96. paper

  错:Each of us was given a clean paper to write on.

  对:Each of us was given a clean piece of paper to write on.


  (paper作“纸”讲时是不可数名词;a piece of paper一张纸。)

  97. passed / past

  错:In the passed three years, you have given me much help with my study.

  对:In the past three years, you have given me much help with my study.


  错:He walked passed a park.

  对:He walked past a park.


  错:Paul past the test.

  对:Paul passed the test.


  (passed是动词pass的过去时/ 过去分词;past是形容词或介词。)

  98. pay

  错:“Who paid the tickets?” I asked.

  对:“Who paid for the tickets?” I asked.



  99. police

  错:The police was not able to find anything.

  对:The police were not able to find anything.



  100. quite

  错:He’s a quite good soccer player.

  对:He’s quite a good soccer player.


  (quite要用在冠词a / an前。)

  101. would rather … than

  错:He said he would rather to go by train than to fly.

  对:He said he would rather go by train than fly.


  (would rather do … than do… 宁愿做……,不愿做……)

  102. really

  错:It was only a short trip but we had really a good time.

  对:It was only a short trip but we had a really good time.

  对:It was only a short trip but we really had a good time.



  103. reason

  错:The reason I didn’t buy the coat was because I thought it was too expensive.

  对:The reason I didn’t buy the coat was that I thought it was too expensive.



  104. salary

  错:His salary is about a hundred and fifty pounds a week.

  对:His wage is about a hundred and fifty pounds a week.



  105. school

  错:He wanted to leave the school and work.

  对:He wanted to leave school and work.


  (leave school 辍学;school前不用冠词。)

  106. see

  错:Betty is often seen help the old man with his housework.

  对:Betty is often seen to help the old man with his housework.


  (see意为“看见”,用于被动语态时,用be seen to do sth,to不能省略。)

  107. some

  错:Would you like any milk?

  对:Would you like some milk?



  108. space

  错:There are hundreds of millions stars in the space.

  对:There are hundreds of millions stars in space.







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